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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
the big g +triangle 12
the bombay +plants & square 24
the bombay CLUB 16, 29, 30, 31
the bombay spinning & dyein 24
the bombay store +elephant 35
the boss by ANCHOR +anchor 25
the bridge +bridge 16
the british LINGUA 16
the cafe BY CREAM CENTRE 29, 35
the cambridge school 16
the capacitor people 9
the car company +car 16
the charcoal project +squar 13
the charms +children & bird 9
the charms COMPANION 9
the cheesecake shop +cartoo 29, 30, 32, 35
the choice NIGHTINGALE +bir 20
the city DELI +circle ribbo 16, 25
the complete man RAYMOND 25
the confectioners +cartoon 30
the critics' choice DELTAMI 31
the cupcake company +cupcak 30, 43
the daily INQUIRER 16
the delhi MALL 41
the difference is GAGENAU 11
the difference is GAGGENAU 11, 20, 21
the document FACTORY 9
the dress circle +peacock 25
the dundee angus +bird 33
the edge IN KNOWLEDGE 16
the excellent computer 41
the famous BUNDABERG rum 33
the famous GROUSE 33
the fan STUDIO +arcs & oval 11
the final verdict +arrow 16
the financial INQUIRER 16
the financial SPECTATOR 16
the first BYTE TFB +pages 16
the flag shop +bird 24
the food people +chef's hat 43
the french loaf 43
the french loaf +plants ova 43
the gateway hotel 42
the gem & jewellery export 16
the giant strength OF AMBUJ 19
the golden LAMINA fancy 24
the good child +oval ribbon 41
the great MARATHA 24
the great india health care 16
the great indian OKTOBERFES 32
the great mumbai talent hun 42
the great punjab +plant 42
the green baton 35
the gyan tree 41
the health home H +sun 5
the house of w.d.& h.o WILL 25, 34
the housewives dream 9
the hyderabad MALL 41
the india BRANDGURU QUIZ 16
the india TODAY group 9
the indian EXPRESS 35
the indian MAHARADJA +man 25
the indian MAHARAJA +king 28
the indoglobal CITIZEN 35
the institute +circle 41
the integrated MCA-MBA prog 16
the jewellery plaza 35
the joy of eating +square 43
the kathi's +cartoon 30
the kolkata MALL 37
the late night show 41
the laughing cow +cow 29
the leading properties +lio 36
the light OF YOUR LIFE 9, 11
the liquid HUT +hut 33
the little mermaid +mermaid 25
the little mermaid +woman 16, 25
the lounge bar MOONVINE 43
the madras TIMES 16
the magic touch SOLAR 2
the magic touch SOLAR paint 2
the mark OF IMAGINATION 9, 16, 35, 38, 42
the master blaster ACP 1
the maths show DIVESH R SHA 41
the mumbai MALL 37
the mumbai TIMES CAFE 41
the mumbai festival +sun 35
the name u trust ROBOSTIK 1
the new ANGOLA toothpaste 3
the new delhi MALL 36, 37
the new india MALL 37
the new indian EXPRESS +fla 16
the oriental OCTOPUS 30
the other song +circle 16, 41, 42, 44
the other song +oval 25
the path to wealth 36
the personality school +men 41
the plant kingdom +flower 41
the poona +portrait 34
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